Capital Campaign
for Wide Angle’s Studios
at the Service Center
Wide Angle has been invited by Seawall Development to serve as lead tenant of the new Service Center building on Howard Street – a civically engaged building with two floors of commercial space and four floors of living space for those working in the civic leadership sector in Baltimore. Importantly, the Service Center is a chance to expand our physical footprint and build Wide Angle’s first-ever state-of-the-art community center, learning lab, and production space.
Why it’s time to grow
We’re out of space
Record numbers of youth (625 this year) and staff (26 currently)
$100k+ turned away annually in fee-for-service opportunities
Our professional programs require over 9,000 square feet (currently 2,800)
The price is right
Growing programs to meet demand: budget of $2M-$2.2M by FY24
Service Center rent projected at 8% of overall budget, in line with nonprofit best practices
10-year lease with 3 optional renewal terms of 5 years each
We can build the space of our dreams
Safe, accessible to all people, and designed for our unique filming and production needs
Open to large community gatherings, expanding our regional imprint and impact
Picture this
• An airy, light-filled lobby and gallery space for gathering
• A mixed-use 2,000-square-foot venue for production, training, community events, and screenings
• Four post-production suites loaded with the latest industry-standard video, graphics, and audio editing software
• And so much more.
Campaign Timeline
To build out our dream studios, Wide Angle is embarking on a $5M, 24-month campaign.
What We Will Accomplish
expanding our team with 12+ new staff positions over 5 years
becoming a community hub for family events, town halls, & more
generating revenue streams to direct more funds to youth supports
opening our own gallery to host event series and media residencies
developing programs through school system partnerships, pre- apprenticeships, added high school media tracks, new middle school sites, & Baltimore County expansion
broadening regional influence by supporting advocacy efforts & training employers for a more diverse workforce
Sneak Preview: The Impact of Our Growth
Over just our first 5 years at the Service Center:
2,500+ program participants served
60,000+ hours of workforce training for apprentices & interns
4.5+ million live and virtual audience members across the world
$1,750,000+ directly invested in youth through wages & stipends
Join us today to support our capital campaign!
We are actively seeking campaign partners to bring Wide Angle's Studios at the Service Center to life.
For more information, contact Susan Malone at
Thank you to our generous supporters
Individual Donors
Margaret Allen and Philip J. Perkins
Nancy Askin
Ellen and Ed Bernard
Doug and Tiffany Bernstein
Eddie C. and C. Sylvia Brown
Jamie and Sheldon Caplis
Phyllis Carter
The Judge Aaron B. Cohen Charitable Foundation
John and Anita Durel
Uchenna Evans
Gin Ferrara
Rachael Glick
Rice Harley Family Fund
Sandra D. Hess
Patricia and Mark Joseph
Jonna and Fred Lazarus IV
David Long
Donald and Brigitte Manekin
Jamie and Tom McDonald
Robert Meyerhoff and Rheda Becker
George and Paula Mister
Scott Murphy
Randi Norris
Anne Perkins
Lindsay and Tim Ryan
Mark and Gayle Sloan
Susan Wolman
Capital Campaign Steering Committee
Donald Manekin (Chair)
Sheldon Caplis
Thibault Manekin
Anne Perkins